Eliot Spitzer News

Contingent Commissions Legal, N.Y. Court Rules

Agent groups praised Liberty Mutual for fighting the battle in court and winning. In a twist to a scandal that has rocked the insurance industry in the past several years, a New York appeals court has ruled that contingent commissions …

Wall Street Brokers Want ‘Even Playing Field’ on Compensation

Big insurance brokerages that lost billions of dollars in revenue under a ban imposed by former New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer told the state’s regulators recently that the rules were never applied universally, and should either be lifted or …

Contingent Commissions Legal, N.Y. Court Rules

In a twist to a scandal that has rocked the insurance industry in the past several years, a New York appeals court recently ruled that contingent commissions paid out by Boston-based Liberty Mutual Group Inc. are not illegal. The ruling …

The Spitzer Error

Liberty Mutual downplayed its recent victory when the New York Supreme Court declared that contingent commission agreements are not illegal. “Contingent commission agreements between brokers and insurers are not illegal, and, in the absence of a special relationship between the …

The Spitzer Error

Liberty Mutual downplayed its recent victory when the New York Supreme Court declared that contingent commission agreements are not illegal. “Contingent commission agreements between brokers and insurers are not illegal, and, in the absence of a special relationship between the …

Agents Weigh Independence, Commissions, Markets When Choosing Agency Networks

Rising Costs, Soft Market Cause Agents to Consider Network Options Maintaining their independence while gaining access to resources and markets are what independent agents consider when deciding whether to join an insurance agency network and which one to join. The …

New York Governor Signs Late-Notice Reform Bill

New York Gov. David A. Paterson has signed into law legislation that makes it more difficult for insurers to deny claims based on “late notice” provisions. The legislation requires insurers to clearly demonstrate how a delayed claim has affected their …

Under The Microscope: Spitzer-Era Ban On Insurer Fees

Insurance brokerages who lost billions of dollars in revenue under a ban imposed by former New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer told state regulators on Friday that the rules were never applied universally, and should either be lifted or imposed …

What AIG’s Fall and New CEO Mean for the Insurance Industry

The world’s largest insurance company, the one that always announces spectacular earnings, the company with the forceful views on how the market should function, has fallen off its pedestal. It not only has fallen, but also has tumbled down a …

Contingent Commissions Legal, N.Y. Court Rules

In a twist to a scandal that has rocked the insurance industry over the last several years, a New York appeals court has ruled that contingent commissions paid out by Boston-based Liberty Mutual Group Inc. are not illegal. The ruling …