Eliot Spitzer News


Spitzer Sorry “I can’t allow my private failings to disrupt the work. … The remorse I feel will always be with me.” —Former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, apologizing as he announced his resignation amid reports linking him to a …

Miss.: Scruggs Pleads Guilty to Trying to Bribe a Judge

Mississippi attorney, Richard “Dickie” Scruggs, used a mix of bare-knuckle tactics and country-lawyer charm to extract billion-dollar settlements from cigarette makers, asbestos companies and other big industries. On March 14, he admitted he crossed the line. Trial Lawyer in Legal …

New York Legislature Rejects Hikes in Insurance Law Fines

A series of significant fine increases for violating New York insurance law – proposed by outgoing Gov. Eliot Spitzer – have been rejected by the state legislature, a move that one New York agents’ group called a major victory for …

New York’s Incoming Governor Says Transition Is Going Well

Lt. Gov. David Paterson, who will take over as New York’s governor following Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s dramatic fall from power in a prostitution scandal, said that the state’s government is stable. Paterson spoke as he hurried off to meet with …

N.Y. Gov. Spitzer Resigns; Paterson to Assume Post

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer said he would resign his position amid reports linking him to a prostitution ring as a client. The resignation is to be effective Monday, March 17. Spitzer will be succeeded as governor by Lieutenant Governor …

New York Gov. Spitzer Linked to Prostitution Ring

New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer has informed his most senior administration officials that he had been involved in a prostitution ring, the New York Times reported on its Web site Monday, citing an administration official. There were no further details …

Gov. Spitzer Apologizes; Calls Reports a ‘Private Matter’

In a brief statement to the press and public, New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer today appeared to address a report by The New York Times that he has been linked to a prostitution ring, apologizing to his family and the …

Spitzer’s Targets Included Greenbergs, Analysts and Stock Exchange CEO

New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, embroiled in a sex scandal that could force his resignation, made his reputation by prosecuting some of the most powerful players on Wall Street in the wake of the dot-com bubble collapse. The New York …

Wall Street Relishes ‘Sheriff’ Spitzer’s Fall from Grace

For years, he was the scourge of the Masters of the Universe and the Sheriff of Wall Street. Now he’s a joke. Legions of Wall Street’s bankers, traders and investors relished the dark clouds enveloping New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, …

N.Y. Offers Towns Flood Prevention Money

Nine floods in four years is too much for New York officials, who have pledged $650,000 to help local governments battle future floods. The program, announced during a Flood Summit in Binghamton last month, includes funding for educational and training …