Eliot Spitzer News


Good drivers “It neither affirms the status quo nor jumps headlong or without controls into the Wild West of competition. The idea is to advantage good drivers and make sure we are not harming good drivers wherever they are.” — …

N.Y. Firms, Residents Hurt by Steam Blast Eligible for Federal Loans

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announced that the federal Small Business Administration (SBA) has issued a physical and economic injury disaster declaration for the Boroughs of Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens …

Two N.Y. Firms Shut Down for Failure to Buy Workers’ Comp

The New York State Workers’ Compensation Board reports it has ordered two businesses to close immediately for failing to comply with workers’ compensation laws. This is the second set of closures ordered under the workers’ compensation reform initiative Gov. Eliot …

N.Y. Gov. Spitzer Put on Defensive Over Aides’ Political Tactics

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer made his name as a corruption fighting attorney general who forced reforms on Wall Street and the insurance industry. As governor, he promised to take that campaign to Albany and end the state government’s reputation …

Industry Still Divided as House Federal Charter Measure Reintroduced

U.S. Reps. Melissa Bean, D-Ill., and Ed Royce, R-Calif., have reintroduced their National Insurance Act of 2007, the so-called optional federal charter bill that proposes letting insurance companies choose federal over state regulation. The Royce-Bean bill is similar to Senate …

N.Y. to slash workers’ comp rates 20.5%

Rates for workers’ compensation in New York will decline by more than 20.5 percent — the biggest cut in more than 20 years — saving employers about $1 billion, according to state officials. Gov. Eliot Spitzer, joined by Assembly and …

N.Y. names med malpractice task force after approving 14% hike

Regulators in New York approved a 14 percent increase in medical malpractice insurance rates and Gov. Eliot Spitzer formed a task force to find ways to rein in the high cost of the coverage. The state insurance department said the …


‘Unfunded’ mandate “Here in New Hampshire, we pride ourselves on being frugal, and here in New Hampshire, we pride ourselves on respecting the privacy of our neighbors. We are not about to be coerced into an unfunded mandate, especially one …

N.Y. to slash workers’ comp rates 20.5%

Rates for workers’ compensation in New York will decline by more than 20.5 percent — the biggest cut in more than 20 years — saving employers about $1 billion, according to state officials. Gov. Eliot Spitzer, joined by Assembly and …

N.Y. names med malpractice task force after approving 14% hike

Regulators in New York approved a 14 percent increase in medical malpractice insurance rates and Gov. Eliot Spitzer formed a task force to find ways to rein in the high cost of the coverage. The state insurance department said the …