Eliot Spitzer News

Editor’s Note: Exemption protection

The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee last month received testimony on whether to continue the insurance antitrust exemption contained in the 1945 McCarran-Ferguson Act. The law placed responsibility for insurance regulation with the states and has permitted insurers to employ joint …

Standard & Poor’s Annual Insurance Conference

Despite recent adversity and scrutiny faced by the insurance industry, financial ratings for companies appear on the upswing. “For the first time that I can remember we have a period where none of the sectors that we follow currently has …

News Briefs

EU Leaders Fiddle While Europe Burns: The crisis in the European Union, provoked when French and Dutch voters rejected the EU Constitution, is being largely ignored by Europe’s leaders. Instead of a bit of soul-searching and reassessment, they’ve chosen to …

Exemption protection

The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee last month received testimony on whether to continue the insurance antitrust exemption contained in the 1945 McCarran-Ferguson Act. This law placed responsibility for insurance regulation with the states and has permitted insurers to employ joint …

Exemption protection

The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee last month received testimony on whether to continue the insurance antitrust exemption contained in the 1945 McCarran-Ferguson Act. This law gave states responsibility for insurance regulation and permitted insurers to employ joint data collection, price …

Editor’s Note: Exemption protection

The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee last month received testimony on whether to continue the insurance antitrust exemption contained in the 1945 McCarran-Ferguson Act. This law placed responsibility for insurance regulation with the states and has permitted insurers to employ joint …

Washington policyholders to share in Aon settlement

More than 9,500 insurance clients of Aon Corp. in Washington are qualified to share $2.4 million in restitution as part of an agreement signed by Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler. Kreidler said the restitution is part of an agreement with the …

Editor’s Note: Exemption protection

The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee last month received testimony on whether to continue the insurance antitrust exemption contained in the 1945 McCarran-Ferguson Act. This law gave states responsibility for insurance regulation and permitted insurers to employ joint data collection, price …

Federal insurance antitrust exemption: Insurer, consumer friend or foe?

Congress opened debate on the insurance industry’s exemption from federal antitrust laws, with some larger insurers indicating a willingness to relinquish the exemption in exchange for regulatory reform that would free them from state regulation. Yet the industry’s biggest rating …

News Currents

Washington policyholders to share in Aon settlement More than 9,500 insurance clients of Aon Corp. in Washington are qualified to share $2.4 million in restitution as part of an agreement signed by Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler. Kreidler said the restitution …