Eliot Spitzer News

Fitch Analyst

James Auden, Fitch: stable outlook for broker industry in 2006 New York-Chicago-based Fitch Ratings is predicting stability and growth for the broker industry in 2006, while admitting that earnings will be down in 2005 because of litigation connected to New …

Spitzer probe brought bad practices to light, panel says

That the investigation of New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer into compensation practices of the nation’s insurance brokers and carriers brought to light the unethical behavior of some bad industry apples was a good thing, according to a panel of …

N.Y. Supt. Mills Defends Contingencies; Reports on Risk-Based Exams

New York State Superintendent of Insurance Howard Mills defended contingent commissions and reported progress in moving his regulatory agency toward risk-based market conduct reviews of insurers. He also shared his views on a national disaster plan during the Professional Insurance …

N.Y. Officials Said to Approve Multi-Year Reinsurance Contracts

New York officials have reportedly reassured the insurance community that, despite concerns over some alleged abuses of finite reinsurance, the use of certain multi-year reinsurance contracts that might be classified as finite reinsurance is acceptable. U.S. RE reported it received …

Analysts predict faster P/C premium growth, underwriting profit

Each year the Insurance Information Institute invites a panel of Wall Street stock analysts and industry professionals to review the prospects for the industry in the year ahead. This year’s survey results indicate an expectation that record catastrophe losses will …

2006 looking good already for P/C industry

‘The expectation for a third consecutive underwriting profit in 2006 is, of course, predicated on the belief that catastrophe activity will return to more “normal” levels. Record catastrophe losses will weigh heavily on 2005’s underwriting results, according to the Insurance …

Enhanced IJ Broadcasting enlivens insurance news

Insurance Journal has launched IJ Broadcasting, an enhanced section on its Web site for multimedia content that will include video and audio interviews, current news and features, educational workshops and other industry-related information. IJ Broadcasting is also making online video …

2006 already looking good for the property/casualty industry

Record catastrophe losses will weigh heavily on 2005’s underwriting results, according to the Insurance Information Institute’s recent “Earlybird Forecast Survey,” but the survey of Wall Street stock analysts and industry professionals also indicates that the industry will bounce back in …

Earlybird Forecast

2006 looking good already for P/C industry Record catastrophe losses will weigh heavily on 2005’s underwriting results, according to the Insurance Information Institute’s recent Earlybird Forecast Survey, but the survey of Wall Street stock analysts and industry professionals also indicates …

Earlybird Forecast

Fortunately for insurers, 2006 will likely feature far fewer screaming headlines announcing investigations into various insurance industry practices such as broker compensation and finite reinsurance. Each year the Insurance Information Institute invites a panel of Wall Street stock analysts and …