Eliot Spitzer News

Earlybird Forecast

Dr. Robert P. Hartwig Record catastrophe losses will weigh heavily on 2005’s underwriting results, according to the Insurance Information Institute’s recent “Earlybird Forecast Survey,” but the survey of Wall Street stock analysts and industry professionals also indicates that the industry …

Technology Bits

Insurance Journal has launched IJ Broadcasting, an enhanced section on its Web site for multimedia content that will include video and audio interviews, current news and features, educational workshops and other industry-related information. IJ Broadcasting is also making online video …

Fitch Predicts Stable Outlook for Broker Industry in 2006

New York-Chicago-based Fitch Ratings is predicting stability and growth for the broker industry in 2006, while admitting that earnings will be down in 2005 because of litigation connected to New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer’s investigation. Fitch’s special report, “Insurance …

Agents’ Game Plan Helped Save Contingent Commissions

Independent insurance agents approached the criticisms from New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and other officials with a measured game plan that has worked to preserve contingency commissions in agencies across the country. “We did not lose our heads over …

Why Terrorism Insurance Renewal Was So Difficult

Political resistance to new government programs, a pullback in support from the Bush Administration, even some “blue” versus “red” politics were among the forces that got in the way of timely renewal of the federal terrorism reinsurance program, according to …

Calif. Firm to Pay $2 Million to Settle Insurance Probe

An insurance industry consulting firm has agreed to pay $2 million in restitution after taking payments from MetLife Inc., Prudential Financial Inc. and UnumProvident Corp. to steer customers to those companies, New York officials said. San Diego-based Universal Life Resources …

Enhanced IJ Broadcasting Enlivens Web Content with Interviews, Videos, Ads and More

Insurance Journal has launched IJ Broadcasting, an enhanced section on its Web site for multimedia content that will include video and audio interviews, current news and features, educational workshops and other industry-related information. IJ Broadcasting is also pioneering by making …

Enhanced IJ Broadcasting Enlivens Insurance News with Videos, Interviews, Ads and More

Insurance Journal has launched IJ Broadcasting, an enhanced section on its Web site for multimedia content that will include video and audio interviews, current news and features, educational workshops and other industry-related information. Leigh Ann Pusey of AIA Window on …

Analysts Predict Faster P/C Premium Growth, Underwriting Profit in 2006

Record catastrophe losses will weigh heavily on 2005’s underwriting results, pushing what would have been the industry’s largest underwriting profit ever into a loss situation, according to the Insurance Information Institute’s recent Earlybird Forecast Survey. The survey of Wall Street …

Universal Life Resources Settles Commission Charges with N.Y.

New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and Insurance Superintendent Howard Mills have come to an agreement with Universal Life Resources, a life and disability insurance consulting firm to resolve allegations relating to undisclosed contingent commissions, fraud and anti-competitive practices. Under …