Eliot Spitzer News

The Truth About Ethics in Business

Many insurance companies are discovering a basic truth. Integrity in business is more than just a good thing to have–it is critical to success in an increasingly complex and dynamic marketplace. When I look at where we are these days–investigations …

The Truth About Ethics in Business

Many insurance companies are discovering a basic truth. Integrity in business is more than just a good thing to have-it is critical to success in an increasingly complex and dynamic marketplace. When I look at where we are these days-investigations …

N.Y. Readies ‘Common Sense’ Broker Commission Disclosure Rules

New York officials are not planning to ban contingent commissions for agents and brokers but will issue regulations requiring them to disclose their compensation to clients. Superintendent of Insurance Howard Mills recently voiced support for contingent commissions as an acceptable …

This Just In: Industry Conduct After Spitzer Shows Old Habits Die Hard

Blaming the Media for Industry’s Poor Image Also Lives On at PLUS Meeting The multiple investigations triggered by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer a little more than one year ago have thus far tarnished the insurance industry’s public image …

The Price of $candal

The lawyer took a crisp $50 bill in his hand and then crushed it into a ball. Despite it being all crumpled, the bill was still worth $50, he pointed out. That was attorney Stephen Marcellino’s way of suggesting that …

Ethical Business Practices Essential to Success in Today’s Marketplace

Many insurance companies are discovering a basic truth. Integrity in business is more than just the right thing to do–it is critical to success in an increasingly complex and dynamic marketplace. When I look at where we are these days–investigations …

Industry Conduct After Spitzer Shows Old Habits Die Hard

PLUS learns habit of blaming the media for industry’s poor image also lives on. The multiple investigations triggered by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer one year ago have thus far tarnished the insurance industry’s public image more than they …

This Just In: Industry Conduct after Spitzer Shows Old Habits Die Hard

Blaming the Media for Industry’s Poor Image Also Lives On at PLUS Meeting The multiple investigations triggered by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer have tarnished the insurance industry’s public image more than they have changed its private behavior, according …

The Price of $candal

The lawyer took a crisp $50 bill in his hand and then crushed it. Yet the bill was still worth $50, he pointed out. That was attorney Stephen Marcellino’s way of suggesting that the insurance industry, which has been by …

Have You Heard the One About N.Y.’s Eliot Spitzer on the Comedy Channel?

Not many people think of New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer as funny but last night he showed he might have a future in comedy if his campaign for governor falters. As a guest on Comedy Central TV’s fake news …