Elizabeth Warren News

U.S. Senate Committee Holding Hearing on Massachusetts Natural Gas Incident

U.S. senators are holding a hearing in Lawrence, Mass., to review the response to the September natural gas explosions that rocked Merrimack Valley communities. The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation will hold its oversight hearing at the South …

Massachusetts Senators Say Utility ‘Woefully’ Unprepared for Gas Explosions

The natural gas company at the center of the explosions north of Boston last month was “woefully unprepared” to prevent or respond to the unfolding disaster, Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey said Friday after a review of internal company …

Emergency Loans Available for Massachusetts Businesses Hurt by Gas Blasts

A $1 million emergency loan fund has been set up for Massachusetts businesses directly impacted by a series of natural gas explosions and fires. Republican Gov. Charlie Baker and officials from Lawrence, Andover and North Andover announced the fund on …

Lawsuit Targets Massachusetts Utility Over Deadly Gas Explosions

A resident of a Massachusetts city rocked by last week’s deadly gas blasts that damaged dozens of homes sued utility operator NiSource Inc on Tuesday, accusing it of inadequately maintaining its distribution system. The proposed class action lawsuit targets NiSource …

After Blasts, Massachusetts Gas Customers Face Long Wait

The blast of high-pressure natural gas that led to dozens of home explosions last week in Massachusetts very likely damaged the system’s antiquated pipeline network and could lead to a long period of testing and repairs before full service is …

Federal Reserve Pressured to Narrow Emergency Bailout Powers

The Federal Reserve is on the verge of relinquishing the tools it used to rescue American International Group Inc. and Bear Stearns Cos. That probably won’t appease lawmakers who’ve said they’re still concerned the central bank might abuse its powers …

Senate Bill Seeks More Disclosure of Government Settlements with Firms

Two U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday unveiled a new bill that would force enforcement agencies to provide more details about deals to resolve corporate misconduct by U.S. companies. Senators Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts Democrat and a fierce consumer advocate, and Tom …

Sen. Warren Renews Call to Restore Glass-Steagall Walls Between Banks, Insurers

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren said banks remain too big to fail even amid the progress that has been made on financial regulation since the 2008 credit crisis. “If Dodd-Frank gives the regulators the tools to end too big to fail, …

Treasury Secretary Lew Urges Congress Not to Change Dodd-Frank Reforms

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew said he is “stepping on the accelerator” to implement the Dodd-Frank Act and warned lawmakers against trying to change the financial rules overhaul. “Members of Congress who want to alter financial reform before it …

Bipartisan Senate Megabank Bill Would Split Banking from Insurance, Other Risks

A small bipartisan group of U.S. senators on Thursday introduced legislation that would break up Wall Street’s megabanks by separating traditional banking activity from riskier financial services. The bill, called the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, has an uncertain future, but …