emergency temporary standard News

COVID-Cautious Supreme Court Preparing to Rule on Biden Vaccine Mandates

The U.S. Supreme Court, which has restricted its own operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, is preparing to decide whether to block President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates for large businesses and healthcare workers in a test of presidential powers to address …

Where Employers Stand on Vaccines, ‘New Normal’ Workplace, Remote Work, Travel

Although more than half (57%) of U.S. employers say they require or plan to require COVID-19 vaccinations of employees, much of that support depends on whether courts approve the Biden Administration’s emergency workplace safety rule requiring vaccinations or weekly testing, …

How Biden Vaccine Mandate Will Test OSHA

The U.S. agency in charge of the Biden administration’s new rules requiring COVID-19 vaccination at many private workplaces faces stiff challenges in developing and enforcing the mandate. President Joe Biden announced on Thursday that all staff at U.S. private-sector firms …

New OSHA Covid-19 Standard Covers Healthcare Employees Only

The Department of Labor has promulgated an emergency temporary standard (ETS) designed to protect healthcare workers but did not extend the rule to other high-risk employment such as manufacturing, grocery or high-volume retail as some labor groups had urged The …