employee misclassification as independent contractors News

Warming to Alternative Classifications for Gig Economy Workers

Judges and juries around the country are being asked to decide whether Uber and Lyft drivers and other participants in the “gig economy” are really independent contractors or just employees in disguise. But what if they’re something else altogether? Vince …

U.S. Court Sides with Kansas Drivers in FedEx Employee Status Case

FedEx has lost a round in employment practices litigation over whether or not its drivers are employees of the company under Kansas labor statutes. On July 8, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit agreed with the findings …

Labor Department’s 6-Part Test for Classifying Employees, Independent Contractors

The U.S. Department of Labor has issued a blog post with new guidance on classifying workers as employees or independent contractors under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA), an issue that has attracted renewed attention in the on-demand economy. …

New Worker Classification Needed for Sharing Economy, Uber Drivers

This question of whether an Uber driver is an employee doesn’t matter just to Uber. As you may have heard, the on-demand car-service juggernaut lost a case early this month before the California Labor Commissioner on whether a driver was …

Mass. AG Coakley Sues Drywall Company for Allegedly Misclassifying Workers

A New Hampshire drywall company and its owner have been sued for allegedly misclassifying employees as independent contractors, Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley’s office announced today. The lawsuit, filed Thursday in Suffolk Superior Court, alleges that Universal Drywall, LLC and …