employee screening News

Supreme Court Denies Amazon Bid to Skirt State-Based Wage Claims for Security Frisks

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear Amazon.com’s bid to avoid a lawsuit seeking to ensure that warehouse workers for the e-commerce giant get paid for the time it takes them to go through extensive post-shift security screenings. …

More Employers Adopting Continuous Background Checks on Employees

Jay Cradeur takes pride in his 4.9 driver rating on Uber Technologies Inc.’s five-star scale and the almost 19,000 rides he’s given in the capital of ride sharing, San Francisco. So he was puzzled — and more than a little …

Hiring Alert: 88% of Employers Find Misrepresentations in Resumes

Employee resumes are very likely to contain misrepresentations and candidates’ job histories and education backgrounds aren’t what they seem, according to a survey of recruitment and human resource professionals. According to a survey by global background check firm HireRight, 88 …

Mental Health in Workplace: Employee’s Privacy vs. Employer’s Right to Know

How do you stop a mentally ill person from sitting down at the controls of a jetliner, or a nuclear power plant, or from holstering a gun for a night on the beat? The news that the pilot of the …