employee vaccines News

Injured Worker Upheld in Refusing Suitable Return Job Because He Opposed Vaccination

It was reasonable for an injured employee who is returning to work to refuse a job that accommodated his disability because he had personal and religious objections to getting a COVID-19 vaccine. The Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission (WCC) ruled against …

Safety Council Finds Employer Vaccine Mandates Boost Worker Vaccination Rate 20%

The National Safety Council (NSC) released survey findings showing that employer vaccine requirements are driving higher vaccination rates among workers. According to the survey, employer vaccine requirement led to a 20% increase in worker vaccination uptake. About 95% of workers …

How Biden Vaccine Mandate Will Test OSHA

The U.S. agency in charge of the Biden administration’s new rules requiring COVID-19 vaccination at many private workplaces faces stiff challenges in developing and enforcing the mandate. President Joe Biden announced on Thursday that all staff at U.S. private-sector firms …

Pressure on Workers to Get Vaccine Grows as Patience Runs Thin for U.S. Employers

As a resurgence in Covid-19 cases prompts more U.S. employers to require vaccinations, workers who object face a common response: Get a shot or get another job. In the past six weeks alone, a federal judge in Texas dismissed a …

Don’t Force Employees to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine: Viewpoint

Here’s a question we’re sure to see in the courts before long: What if your employer mandates a Covid-19 vaccination and you’d rather not take it? President-elect Joe Biden might insist that he has no plans to compel the shots, …