employer religious freedom News

Supreme Court Says Colorado Erred in Gay Wedding Cake Case

The U.S. Supreme Court threw out a finding that a Colorado baker illegally discriminated when he refused to make a cake to celebrate a same-sex wedding. The narrow ruling didn’t reach the broad free-speech and religious-rights issues that had prompted …

Beyond Wedding Cakes: LGBT Lawsuits Challenge Employee, Business, Religious Rights

A flood of lawsuits over LGBT rights is making its way through courts and will continue, no matter the outcome in the Supreme Court’s highly anticipated decision in the case of a Colorado baker who would not create a wedding …

Lesbian Sues New Jersey Catholic School Claiming Discrimination Over Firing

A woman is suing a Roman Catholic school in New Jersey, alleging the school violated the state’s discrimination law when she was fired because she’s married to a woman. But Christopher Westrick, an attorney for Paramus Catholic High School, its …

Marriage Right Doesn’t Protect Gays in Employment, Commerce or Housing

The U.S. Supreme Court may have written the most consequential words in the history of gay rights with its recognition of same-sex marriage. But those words won’t be the last. While same-sex marriage was already legal in most of the …