employer-sponsored health insurance News

More Employers Offering Consumer-Driven Health Plans: Survey

Consumer-driven health plans (CDHPs) have surpassed health maintenance organizations to become the second most common plan design offered by U.S. employers, according to a survey from Aon Hewitt. Preferred provider organizations continue to be the most widely offered plans, with …

Premiums for Employer-Sponsored Family Health Plans Rose 4% This Year: Kaiser

Annual premiums for employer-sponsored family health coverage reached $15,745 this year, up four percent from last year, with workers on average paying $4,316 toward the cost of their coverage, according to a new report from the non-profit Kaiser Family Foundation. …

Republican Ryan Proposes Individual Health Insurance Tax Credit

Republican Rep. Paul Ryan, an outspoken opponent of President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform, proposed a plan Tuesday that could effectively dismantle the way most Americans get health insurance by reducing incentives to join employer-sponsored plans. In a speech at Stanford …