energy risks News

Kentucky Enters into Fracking Debate

The debate over hydraulic fracturing, a technique used to drill oil and natural gas wells, may be coming to Kentucky. The Lexington Herald-Leader reports there’s been increased interest among oil and gas companies in areas of eastern and central Kentucky. …

Complex Energy Industry Requires ‘Power’ Underwriters

The energy industry is not a risk for every underwriter; it requires considerable underwriting expertise due to its complexity and rapid growth. “Power is one of the fastest growing segments in the U.S,” according to Tom Fitzgerald, CEO of Aon …

BP Gross Negligence Ruling a Warning to Big Oil and Partners

A U.S. judge’s watershed ruling means the final cost to BP Plc for the 2010 Gulf oil spill may eclipse $50 billion, wiping out years of profits and highlighting the risks of drilling as the industry pushes into more dangerous …