Enviornmental News

$698M Deal Ending Oregon’s Monsanto PCB Pollution Lawsuit

Bayer, the German pharmaceutical and biotechnology company, will pay Oregon $698 million to end a lawsuit over PCB pollution associated with products made by Monsanto, the agriculture giant it now owns. It’s the largest environmental damage recovery in Oregon’s history …

Investigators Board Ship That Was Anchored Near California Oil Pipeline

U.S. Coast Guard investigators have boarded a massive cargo ship as they probe what caused the rupture of an offshore oil pipeline that sent crude washing up on Southern California beaches. The Coast Guard is investigating whether a ship anchor …

California Lawmakers Introduce Proposal to Ban Fracking by 2027

New legislation would ban all fracking in California by 2027, taking aim at the powerful oil and gas industry in the state already planning to ban the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035. Progressive California has long been a …

Navajo Nation Reaches Settlements with Mining Companies

The Navajo Nation’s Department of Justice announced Wednesday it has settled with mining companies to resolve claims stemming from a 2015 spill that resulted in rivers in three western states being fouled with a bright-yellow plume of arsenic, lead and …

$215M in BP Oil Spill Money Will go to Restore Louisiana Marshes

Louisiana will get nearly $215 million in BP oil spill money for two projects planned to restore more than 4,600 acres of marsh and other habitat in the New Orleans area, Gov. John Bel Edwards said. Work should begin next …

Supreme Court Sides with BP Unit to Curtail Montana Superfund Cleanup Suits

The U.S. Supreme Court handed BP Plc unit Atlantic Richfield Co. a victory on Monday, making it harder for Montana landowners to seek a more extensive cleanup of a hazardous waste site than the federal government had ordered. In a …

Judge Refuses to Stop Idaho Tribe Lawsuit Against Mining Company

A Clean Water Act lawsuit filed by the Nez Perce Tribe that seeks to force a Canadian gold mining company to acquire permits for pollution discharged from its central Idaho facility will be allowed to continue, a federal judge decided. …