environmental conservation News

How Coconuts Protect East Coast and Other Eroding Shorelines

Coastal communities around the world are adding a tropical twist to shoreline protection, courtesy of the humble coconut. From the sands of the Jersey Shore to the islands of Indonesia, strands of coconut husk, known as coir, are being incorporated …

Maryland Researchers Issue Fracking Recommendations

Researchers commissioned by a state panel studying natural gas drilling in western Maryland have come up with recommendations. The researchers studied hydraulic fracturing, which uses sand, water and chemicals to free gas from shale. The technique has sparked an energy …

New York’s Fracking Health Study Results Likely Years Off

A health study cited by leading environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as pivotal in helping persuade Gov. Andrew Cuomo to hold off on plans for limited gas drilling is likely years away from conclusions about whether the technology involved is …

New York Senators Seek Fracking Delay to Await Key Study

A critical bloc in New York’s Senate is calling for up to a two-year delay in hydraulic fracturing for natural gas until an independent health review known as the Geisinger study is completed. The Independent Democratic Conference, which shares control …