environmental liability News

OSHA Orders Vermont Firm to Rehire Environmental Whistleblower, Pay Damages

In early June 2022, an employee of a Vermont agricultural equipment company observed the company pumping wastewater from the facility’s service bays onto the ground bordering the Winooski River in Berlin and was concerned about the environmental implications. According to …

‘Smart Window’ Firm to Pay Almost $5M for Illegal Dumping of Wastewater in Mississippi

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — A California-based company will pay just under $5 million in fines for discharging wastewater into a publicly owned sewage treatment plant in Mississippi without obtaining a valid state permit, a federal judge ruled Tuesday. View Inc., …

Vale Loses Bid to Block BHP’s London Lawsuit in Brazil Dam Case

Vale on Monday lost a bid to block fellow mining giant BHP Group’s bid to have it share potential liability in a 36 billion-pound ($46 billion) London lawsuit over Brazil’s worst environmental disaster. More than 720,000 Brazilians are suing BHP, …

22 States Move to Block 3M’s $10.3 Billion PFAS Deal

A group of 22 states and U.S. territories on Wednesday moved to block a proposed $10.3 billion settlement that would resolve claims against 3M Co over water pollution tied to “forever chemicals,” claiming the deal fails to adequately hold the …

AT&T Does Not Intend to Immediately Remove Lead Cables From Lake Tahoe

AT&T said on Tuesday it does not intend to immediately remove lead cables from Lake Tahoe pending further analysis, according to its court filing. Shares of AT&T this week hit their lowest level in 30 years, after analysts downgraded the …

Mining Giants BHP, Vale Face Off in London Court Over Brazil Dam Damages

Mining giants BHP Group and Vale faced off in a London court on Wednesday over who should accept legal and financial responsibility in a potential 36 billion pound ($47 billion) lawsuit stemming from Brazil’s worst environmental disaster. Around 720,000 Brazilians …

3M Reaches Tentative $10.3B Deal Over ‘Forever Chemicals’ Claims

3M Co has reached a $10.3 billion settlement with a host of U.S. public water systems to resolve water pollution claims tied to “forever chemicals,” the chemical company announced on Thursday. The company said the settlement would provide the funds …

BP Unit to Pay Record $40M to Settle Air Pollution Civil Charges

A subsidiary of BP will pay a record-setting $40 million penalty to settle civil U.S. charges that its Indiana-based oil refinery violated federal laws aimed at curbing emissions of cancer-causing benzene in wastewater and other harmful pollutants, the U.S. Justice …

Shipping Company to Pay $2.25M for Environmental Law Violations

A Greek shipping company has pleaded guilty and agreed to pay $2.25 million for violations of environmental laws that were carried out by the captain and chief engineer of one of its oil tankers, federal prosecutors in Rhode Island said. …

Methane-Tracking Satellites Catch Polluters

Think of them as speed cameras, but for methane. Just like roadside instruments used to identify drivers breaking traffic rules, new powerful satellites are starting to catch oil and gas operators releasing the planet-warming gas into the atmosphere. At least …