environmental social and governance (ESG) News

US House Committee Report Finds Wall Street ‘Colluded’ to Curb Emissions

A U.S. congressional committee will accuse the biggest Wall Street firms on Tuesday, in a report seen by Reuters ahead of its publication, of colluding with advocacy groups to force companies to shrink their greenhouse gas emissions. The report is …

US Regulator to Issue Carbon-Credits Rulebook Within Months

The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission expects to finalize its guidance for carbon credits within the next six months, as it pursues a broader crackdown of fraud and manipulation in the embattled market. CFTC Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero said she …

Oklahoma Judge Blocks State’s Anti-ESG Law

A judge in Oklahoma blocked a state law that prohibits state pension systems from investing with companies that limit investment in the oil and gas industry. Oklahoma County District Court Judge Sheila Stinson on Tuesday issued a temporary injunction blocking …

Republicans Weigh Rolling Back Anti-ESG Law They Passed

Lawmakers in Oklahoma are having second thoughts about anti-ESG legislation that limits which Wall Street banks local governments can do business with. A Republican-introduced bill that would narrow the scope of a state law that blacklisted financial firms for their …

Europe Stands Firm Against US-Driven ESG Backlash

Steady investor demand in Europe for environmental and socially responsible investments and wide-ranging regulation are helping Europe’s finance industry withstand political pressures that have pushed some U.S. peers to backtrack on their green agendas. In the United States, conservative politicians …

Companies Walk ESG Tightrope, Under Fire From All Sides Over Disclosures

Since joining Asahi Group in 2020 as sustainability chief, Preeti Srivastav has helped the Japanese brewer make several environmental and social pledges but has not got it to disclose all its progress. Asahi said on Feb. 9 it had brought …

EU Lawmakers ‘Outraged’ After States Block Landmark ESG Law

A European Union law designed to clean up corporate supply chains has been derailed by the bloc’s biggest member states, forcing negotiators back to the drawing board on one of the most consequential pieces of ESG legislation ever attempted. The …

Banks, Insurers Targeted as Climate Group Seeks EU Review of Deforestation Rule

Climate activists are putting pressure on the European Union to reconsider its decision to exclude banks from a landmark deforestation rule, in a move designed to preempt an official review of the regulation next year. UK-based nonprofit Global Canopy says …

SEC Drops Some Emissions Disclosure Requirements From Draft Climate Rules

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has removed some of its most ambitious greenhouse gas emission disclosure requirements from corporate climate risk rules it is preparing to adopt, people familiar with the matter said on Thursday. The SEC has …

American Airlines Must Face Lawsuit Over ESG Retirement Investing

American Airlines must face a lawsuit claiming it failed to prudently oversee employee retirement funds because it used asset managers that pursued sustainable investment strategies, a federal judge in Fort Worth, Texas ruled. U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor said pilot …