EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) News

Analysis: Fight Over Mississippi Flood Control Project Continues

Farmers and environmentalists have been arguing for decades over proposals for a massive federal flood-control project in the south Mississippi Delta. The fight is continuing into a new presidential administration. Four conservation groups are suing the Environmental Protection Agency, with …

EPA Approves Revised Mississippi Flood Control Project Previously Vetoed

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency does not object to a revised proposal for a massive flood-control project to pump water from parts of the Mississippi Delta, a regional administrator for the agency says. That’s significant because the EPA vetoed the …

Supreme Court Rejects Trump Administration’s View of Clean Water Act

The Supreme Court ruled last week that sewage plants and other industries cannot avoid environmental requirements under landmark clean-water protections when they send dirty water on an indirect route to rivers, oceans and other navigable waterways. Rejecting the Trump administration’s …

Oil Industry Seeks Easing of Environmental Regulation During Pandemic

The Environmental Protection Agency said this week that it’s reviewing a request from the oil and gas industry to ease enforcement of hazardous air and water pollution and other regulatory issues during the coronavirus pandemic. The proposal is drawing objections …

3M Subpoenaed by Federal Grand Jury Over Alabama Chemical Discharges

3M has been subpoenaed by a federal grand jury in connection to discharges from a chemical plant in northern Alabama that may not have complied with permit requirements. Michael Roman, the Minnesota-based company’s CEO, announced the subpoena during an investor …