EPA News

Wyoming Governor Lambasts EPA Over Haze Plan

Gov. Matt Mead sharply criticized a plan by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to reduce regional haze, saying it did more to kill the coal industry than clear Wyoming’s air. The EPA plan seeks to reduce haze in national parks …

Fracking Companies Silence Water Complaints With Sealed Settlements

Chris and Stephanie Hallowich were sure drilling for natural gas near their Pennsylvania home was to blame for the headaches, burning eyes and sore throats they suffered after the work began. The companies insisted hydraulic fracturing — the technique they …

Group Sues EPA To Force Utah To Clean Air Faster

An environmental group is suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, claiming it hasn’t pushed Utah hard enough to clean up air pollution across urban areas of northern Utah. WildEarth Guardians says the EPA let Utah skip a December deadline to …

EPA Blamed For Delays in Asbestos Study In Montana

Internal investigators are faulting the Environmental Protection Agency for years of delays in completing health studies needed to guide the cleanup of a Montana mining town where hundreds of people have died from asbestos exposure. The EPA’s Office of Inspector …

Hawaii Landfill Operator Fined $1.1M Under EPA Settlement

Honolulu and the operator of the city’s only landfill have agreed to make changes that will reduce the risk of a fire breaking out at the Waianae coast site, as part of a settlement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. …

EPA Fines 6 Arizona School Districts For Asbestos

Six school districts in Arizona have done compliance work to avoid hefty federal fines for asbestos violations. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency fined the school districts a combined total of nearly $95,000. More than 15,000 children attend the 25 schools …

Scientists Back EPA on Montana Asbestos Risks

Federal officials anticipate finishing by late 2014 a risk study to guide the cleanup of an asbestos-contaminated Montana mining town, after a panel of scientists backed draft results that say even a minuscule amount of the substance can lead to …

EPA Fines Idaho Gas Companies For Clean Air Violations

A pair of gas delivery companies operating in Idaho will pay thousands of dollars in penalties for violating federal clean air laws. The Environmental Protection Agency announced fines Wednesday for CityServiceValcon, LLC, and Thomas West Fuels, Lubricants & Chemicals, LLC. …

Idaho Frozen Food Company Settles With EPA

An Idaho frozen food company has agreed to pay the Environmental Protection Agency $84,000 for failing to report its possession of hazardous chemicals to safety officials. The EPA said Monday the Caldwell facility of Rhodes International, Inc. stored large quantities …

EPA Approves Eastern Idaho Superfund Cleanup Plan

An Environmental Protection Agency official says a cleanup plan has been approved for a Superfund site at a former phosphorous production plant in eastern Idaho. The Idaho State Journal reported that spokesman Roger McLerran at a meeting Friday of the …