EQ News

Global Risk Investment May R!SE With U.N., Willis-Backed Initiative

There is opportunity in climate change. That’s the frown-upside down view being taken by at least one large insurance broker under part of a global initiative to heighten the awareness of global risk and investing opportunities. Operating under the umbrella …

IICF Targets $250K to California and Colorado Charities

The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation is awarding $254,000 in grants to 29 local nonprofits in California and Colorado for the kickoff of 2015. The causes supported include child abuse prevention, disaster preparedness, education and health and human services. The 2015 …

Climate Change in 2015 Could be Bigger Than Religion – or Selfie

The phrase “climate change” yields roughly 108 million results in a Google search – in the ballpark in terms of numbers of results with “Jesus Christ,” “Mohamed” and “selfie” – and you can expect the phrase to become an even …

Colorado Woman Invents Cardboard Shelters For Disaster Areas

Darla Skolnekovich’s business ambitions are made of cardboard. Reinforced, waterproof, fire-resistant cardboard – the type that, Skolnekovich says, could make a difference in disaster-ridden areas around the world. The married Colorado Springs mother of two recently created the SadieShelter, a …

Arkansas Adds 11 Counties To Disaster Relief Declaration

Arkansas’ congressional delegation says Gov. Mike Beebe has added 11 counties to the state’s major disaster declaration request to help in the recovery from last month’s deadly storm. The two senators and four U.S. House members say in a news …

Competing Bills to Address Safety of Oil Transport In Washington

Washington state lawmakers are considering competing measures that try to address potential risks as more crude oil is shipped by rail into the state. The Senate Ways and Means Committee heard testimony on a mostly Republican-backed bill that would study …

Alaskan Mayor Signs Local Disaster Declaration

Kenai Peninsula Borough Mayor Mike Navarre has signed a local disaster emergency declaration due to the unseasonably heavy rains that have flooded many homes and roads. KSRM reports that the declaration signed Tuesday has been sent to the Alaska Department …

North Dakota Ranchers Urged to Record Livestock Losses

The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association is urging ranchers who lost cattle in last weekend’s snowstorm to keep detailed records of their losses. Ranchers and industry officials in the Dakotas have said the losses are aggravated by the fact that a …

Webinar: 75% of U.S. Workers Say Employer Unprepared for Disaster

Driving home the notion that most U.S. employees believe their employers aren’t prepared for a disaster or a major crisis may be one of the best way to get people to take notice that September is National Preparedness Month. That …

EQECAT: Colorado Floods $2B in Economic Losses and Climbing

The floods in Colorado caused an estimated $2 billion in economic losses, according to a report from catastrophe modeling firm EQECAT. The flooding has been blamed for multiple fatalities, it’s estimated 1,500 homes have been destroyed, and some 20,000 homes …