equal pay News

California Lawmakers Equal Pay Law Said to be Toughest in U.S.

California lawmakers approved legislation mandating equal pay for women in what the bill’s author called the toughest such law in the U.S. The Assembly voted 66-2 for the measure requiring employers to pay men and women the same for “substantially …

Employment Bias Complaints Against Private Sector at All-Time High: EEOC

Employment discrimination complaints against private sector employers reached an all-time high in the most recent fiscal year, federal regulators said this week. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) said it received a record 99,947 charges of employment discrimination and …

Women Less Interested in Jobs Where Pay Is Linked to Competition

Men are more likely than women to seek jobs in which competition with coworkers affects pay rates, a preference that might help explain persistent pay differences between men and women, a study at the University of Chicago shows. The study, …