Ernst Rauch News

Natural Disasters Cost Insurers $120B in 2021. Munich Re Points to Climate Change Link.

Natural disasters across the globe caused economic losses of US$280 billion in 2021, of which roughly US$120 billion were insured, according to a report from Munich Re, which noted that U.S. natural catastrophes represented an exceptionally high proportion of the …

Natural Catastrophes Cost $150B in 2019, with Insurers Paying $52B: Munich Re

Natural catastrophes caused overall losses of US$150 billion during 2019, including insured losses of about US$52 billion, which matches the average of the past 30 years, according to Munich Re’s catastrophe update. The reinsurer said the protection gap (the difference …

Re/insurers Rethink Climate Change Risks as Losses Grow from Wildfires, Floods, Hail

By the time David Kaisel got back from selling his flour at a farmers’ market, a wildfire in California’s Capay Valley had burnt both his tractor and the shipping container where he kept some tools. His insurer is set to …

California Wildfires, Hurricane Michael Top List of 2018’s Costliest Natural Disasters: Munich Re

The costliest natural catastrophes occurred in the United States in 2018 with one of California’s devastating wildfires and Hurricane Michael topping the list, according to Munich Re. A report from Munich Re on last year’s natural disasters pointed to “clear …

Growing Climate Risks May Be ‘Impossible to Model’ – and Ultimately Uninsurable

After one of the worst Atlantic hurricane seasons in history, the world’s biggest insurers say the industry needs to get its act together if it wants to survive climate change. Insuring against weather natural disasters could reach unaffordable levels for …

Insurers Will Easily Swallow Harvey’s Claims but Growing Climate Risk Predicted

Damages from Hurricane Harvey’s ravaging of Houston and the Texas Gulf Coast are estimated to be well below those from the major storms that hit New Orleans and New York in recent years, insurance executives have said. Though insurers should …

Lloyd’s Insurers’ Stocks Fall on Possible Claims from Hurricane Harvey

Lloyd’s of London insurers dropped amid speculation that they will suffer losses from Tropical Storm Harvey that’s battering Houston, the epicenter of the U.S. oil industry. The storm, which which made landfall as a category 4 hurricane and then drifted …

Survey Shows 8-in-10 Americans Believe in Climate Change

More than eight-in-10 Americans now believe the climate is changing โ€“ although they place that concern beneath issues like global political instability, economic crisis or a pandemic. Munich Re America’s inaugural 2014 Climate Change Barometer survey released on Tuesday shows …