ESG News

Exxon Suit Targeting Activist Group Arjuna Tossed by Judge

A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit by Exxon Mobil Corp. against Arjuna Capital after a lawyer for the activist investor group vowed not to try to resurrect a shareholder policy opposed by the company. The judge in Fort Worth, Texas, …

Louisiana Gun Bill Risks Roiling Wall Street’s Muni Business

Louisiana could soon bar banks that “discriminate” against firearm entities from working on government contracts, after lawmakers advanced legislation that’s similar to a Texas statute that has whipsawed Wall Street firms’ public-finance work. State lawmakers passed Senate Bill 234 last …

Viewpoint: 5 Global Insurance Trends You Need to Know About in 2024

In the insurance world, 2024 brings forth many challenges and transformative trends. From the escalating global risks, such as climate change and cyber threats, to the evolving role of insurers as societal safety nets, the industry is on the brink …

Exxon Sues ESG Investors to Remove Climate Proposals on Ballot

Exxon Mobil Corp. filed a lawsuit against US and Dutch climate activist investors in an effort to remove what it describes as their “extreme agenda” from the ballot at its annual shareholder meetings. The Texas oil giant is seeking a …

SCOTUS Declines to Hear Exxon, Koch Industries Appeal on Venue in Climate Case

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a bid by major fossil fuel companies and an industry trade group to move a lawsuit filed by Minnesota accusing them of worsening climate change out of state court and into …

Conservatives Challenging Nasdaq Board Diversity Rule Appeal to Full 5th Circuit

A conservative group that lost a challenge to Nasdaq’s board diversity disclosure rule appealed the decision on Wednesday, requesting a full court review and saying that the rule discriminates based on race and sex. The rule approved by the U.S. …

Appeals Court Blocks Venture Capital Fund’s Grant Program for Black Women

A federal appeals court on Saturday blocked a venture capital fund from moving forward with a program that awards funding to businesses run by Black women in a case by the anti-affirmative action activist behind the successful U.S. Supreme Court …

Judge Refuses to Block Venture Capital Fund’s Grants for Black Women

A federal judge in Atlanta on Tuesday rejected a bid by the anti-affirmative activist behind the successful U.S. Supreme Court challenge to race-conscious college admissions policies to bar a small venture capital fund from awarding grants to businesses run by …

Ex-Trump Administration Officials Target Corporate Diversity Efforts

Activision Blizzard Inc and Kellogg Co have joined a growing list of major U.S. companies to face claims from a group founded by former Trump administration officials that efforts to diversify their workforces amount to illegal discrimination. America First Legal …

Growing ‘Greenlash’ Fuels Fears for Europe’s Environmental Ambitions

A growing ‘greenlash’ against Europe’s environmental agenda has not so far derailed its decarbonization plans, but looming elections could put future climate and nature measures at risk. The European Union (EU) has burnished its role as a leader on climate …