Ethiopia News

Report: Insurance Initiatives Tackling Climate Change Reach New High

Hundreds of new insurance initiatives, including green building credits, drought-protection in developing countries and incentives for investing in renewable energy and carbon emissions trading are being offered to tackle climate change and rising weather-related losses in the U.S. and globally, …

Swiss Re Launches Climate Program

Swiss Re announced the launch of its “Climate Adaptation Development Program” (CADP) at the Clinton Global Initiative 2007 meeting, which took place in New York on Sept.26-28. The Program is “designed to develop a financial risk transfer market for the …

Swiss Re Donates $70,000 for Jamaica Water Cleanup

Swiss Re has recognized the Nature Conservancy for its commitment to sustainable watershed management in Jamaica. The reinsurer announced that as part of its International ReSource Award competition, it has given the organization $70,000 to help fund a river clean-up …

Swiss Re Backs African Weather Derivative Drought Coverage

Swiss Re, in conjunction with the Earth Institute at Columbia University and the Millennium Promise Alliance, have developed a new system of weather derivative contracts, providing protecting to several villages in Kenya, Mali and Ethiopia against severe drought. They cover …

Swiss Re Observes ‘International Water Day’ with $825,000 Red Cross Gift

Today has been proclaimed “International Water Day,” and Swiss Re announced that will honor the occasion with a CHF 1 million ($825,000) donation to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) for a project in North-Western Nepal, which aims …

Munich Re Tells UNEP Conference $1 Trillion Loss Year Possible

Dr. Thomas Loster, a geographer who advises the Munich Re Foundation, told those attending the current United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Conference in Nairobi that, “Most insurance and re-insurance companies have no doubt that the rising tide of losses from …

Child Drownings Believed High among Immigrants

Statistics indicate a disproportionately high rate of drowning among children from immigrant families in Washington state and cultural differences are likely involved, according to a Children’s Hospital researcher. The review of drownings last year found drowning rates were generally higher …

UN’s World Food Program Insures against Ethiopia Famine with AXA Re

The insurance industry has become a participant in a new and unusual initiative sponsored by the United Nations World Food Program, which aims to have funds available to meet the needs of disaster victims as soon as they occur. AXA …

Euler Hermes Issues Global 2006 Economic Assessment

Euler Hermes ACI, a provider of trade credit insurance and risk mitigation information, has released a special global risk analysis report from its U.S. headquarters in Maryland. The company, a subsidiary of French insurer AGF, which is in turn part …