EU insurer regulation News

Banks, Insurers Targeted as Climate Group Seeks EU Review of Deforestation Rule

Climate activists are putting pressure on the European Union to reconsider its decision to exclude banks from a landmark deforestation rule, in a move designed to preempt an official review of the regulation next year. UK-based nonprofit Global Canopy says …

Banks, Insurers Set to Lose Reprieve From EU’s Toughest ESG Rule

Financial firms in the European Union look set to be hit by a new ESG requirement that they lobbied hard to avoid. The European Parliament and the European Council are moving toward an agreement that banks, asset managers and insurers …

Banks, Insurers Temporarily Dodge Full Impact of EU’s Harshest ESG Law to Date

The finance industry will be shielded from the full scope of the European Union’s most consequential piece of ESG legislation to date, as the bloc settles on a compromise to help it get the bill over the finish line. Under …

Banks, Insurers May Escape EU’s Toughest ESG Regulation So Far

Banks, asset managers and other financial firms have won a reprieve from Europe’s most consequential ESG regulation to date, as a wave of intense industry lobbying pays off. Spain, which holds the European Union’s rotating presidency, has proposed that financial …

EU Sets Out Plans to Cut Price of Financial Products Offered by Banks, Insurers

The European Union set out plans on Wednesday to cut how much retail investors pay banks and insurers for financial products to encourage investment and make its capital market deeper and more efficient. The retail investment package toughens up existing …

Analysis – EU Power Battle Could Hamper Proposed Safeguards for Financial Products

European Union plans to increase protections for consumers of financial services are reigniting a long-simmering power battle between national and EU regulators that could hamper how the tougher safeguards will be enforced. The European Commission, the EU’s executive body, on …

EU Plans to Ease Capital Rules for Insurers to Provide €120 Billion Economic Boost

The European Union proposed changing the bloc’s capital rules for insurers on Wednesday to release 120 billion euros ($141 billion) for repairing an economy hit by COVID and to meet climate goals without eroding policyholder protection. Britain, which is home …

EU Seeks More Control Over Insurers and Financial Sector

The European Commission proposed on Wednesday transferring some powers to oversee the financial sector from national capitals in a move to extend the EU’s grip on the industry as the bloc prepares for the departure of London, its main financial …