EU privacy laws News

Meta’s WhatsApp Fined 5.5M Euro by Lead EU Privacy Regulator

Meta’s WhatsApp subsidiary was fined 5.5 million euros ($5.95 million) on Thursday by Ireland’s Data Privacy Commissioner (DPC), its lead EU privacy regulator, for an additional breach of the bloc’s privacy laws. The DPC also told WhatsApp to reassess how …

Firms Want U.S. to Support EU Proposals to Rein In Big Tech Platforms

Critics of tech giants like Alphabet’s Google pressed Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo for a January meeting after she expressed concern about proposed legislation in Europe aimed at reining in the U.S. platforms. Yelp, the News Media Alliance, REX and others …

EU Prepares for Coming of Facial Recognition– On Its Privacy Terms

The European Union has accepted there is no escape from facial recognition, but is seeking to ensure any roll-out that includes U.S. and Chinese players will abide by European values like strict personal privacy. Facial recognition has emerged as a …

EU Judges Face Another Major Facebook Privacy Case from Activist Schrems

Five years ago, when activist Max Schrems took Facebook Inc. to the European Union’s top court no one knew what to call the case. The controversy, which led to judges scrapping a key trans-Atlantic data-transfer agreement, was referred to as …

With Just Weeks to Go for GDPR, Europe’s Regulators Say They’re Underfunded, Unprepared

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS/PARISβ€” Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been billed as the biggest shake-up of data privacy laws since the birth of the web. There’s one problem: many of the regulators who will police it say they aren’t ready yet. …

Google Privacy Policy Violates European Law, Agencies Say

Data protection agencies in European countries have concluded Google Inc.’s new privacy policy is in breach of European law, EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding said on Thursday. France’s data protection watchdog, the CNIL, has also cast doubt on the legality …