EU regulation News

American Chamber of Commerce Voices Concerns About EU Plan for Foreign Subsidies

Proposed EU legislation targeting foreign state-backed buyers of European companies prompted by fears of a Chinese buying spree may be impossible to comply with in practice, the American Chamber of Commerce and peer groups for Indian and Japanese businesses said …

Musk-Owned Twitter Will Have to Follow EU’s Rules: Commissioner

A top EU official doesn’t expect to have a problem with Elon Musk, who is pursuing a free-speech agenda in his takeover of Twitter Inc., so long as the billionaire follows the region’s content rules. European Commissioner Thierry Breton warned …

EU Seeks More Control Over Insurers and Financial Sector

The European Commission proposed on Wednesday transferring some powers to oversee the financial sector from national capitals in a move to extend the EU’s grip on the industry as the bloc prepares for the departure of London, its main financial …

EU Lawmakers Call for Law Regulating Rise of Robots, Including Self-Driving Cars

European lawmakers on Feb. 16 called for EU-wide legislation to regulate the rise of robots, including an ethical framework for their development and deployment and the establishment of liability for the actions of robots including self-driving cars. But they rejected …

U.S.-EU Continue Talks on Insurance Regulation Covered Agreement

Trade representatives for the United States and the European Union, who met May 24 and 25 to negotiate a bilateral covered agreement on regulations for insurers and reinsurers, on Friday issued a joint statement indicating they have not reached a …