EU News

German Chancellor Merkel Rejects ‘Miracle Solutions;’ Spain’s Debt Costs Soar

Chancellor Angela Merkel rebuffed pressure on Thursday for Germany, Europe’s most powerful economy, to underwrite debt or guarantee bank deposits in the euro zone, as Spain’s soaring borrowing costs raised new alarm. Spain’s 10-year bond yield hit a euro lifetime …

Deeper Euro Zone Integration to Take Time Says EU Commissioner Rehn

Tightening fiscal integration in the euro zone and surrendering more sovereignty in the name of deeper cooperation between member states may be possible only in the medium term, the EU’s top economic official said on Monday, dampening expectations of a …

Analysis: EU’s Spain Bank Rescue May Bring only Brief Respite

Euro zone finance ministers rushed Spain into an EU-funded rescue for its debt-stricken banks to pre-empt the threat of a bank run if Greece’s debt crisis flares again but any respite for Madrid and the euro may be short-lived. After …

EU Insurers Still Coming to Terms with Solvency II as Start Date Nears

“Over the next 18 months it’s estimated that Ireland will spend 100 million euros (app. $125 million) on preparations for Solvency II (SII),” said Garvan O’Neill, a partner in PricewaterhouseCoopers’ financial services practice, who headed a panel discussion on the …

Will There Ever Be a United States of Europe?

From recent news you will have learned that the euro zone crisis continues to be the 700 pound gorilla in the room of the global economy. It’s become increasingly clear that, whatever happens in Greece on June 17, the euro …

Economic Storm Clouds Continue to Gather over Europe

In many ways Ireland is a “microcosm for Europe,” said Danny McCoy, the Director General of the Irish Business & Employer’s Confederation (IBEC) at the EIF Forum. He described the present situation as a “crisis of government and of business …

SaveOurSeafarers Organization Lauds EU Air Strike on Somali Pirate Bases

SaveOurSeafarers, the organization that supports anti-piracy measures and aids the crews who are taken by pirates, has expressed its approval of the air strikes carried out by the naval forces of the European Union on Tuesday. Alastair Evitt, chairman of …

EU Naval Forces Carry Out First Strikes on Somali Pirate Bases

The European Union’s naval force off the Somali coastline on Tuesday carried out its first air strikes against pirate targets on shore, officials said. Maritime aircraft and attack helicopters took part in the attacks early in the morning on the …

Maybe Europe Should Abandon the Euro Says Canada’s Finance Minister

If European countries are not prepared to bail out fellow euro zone members, maybe they should just abandon the whole concept of a common currency, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said on Monday in some of his most direct remarks …

European Commission Approves ING Restructuring; Opens New Probe

The European Commission on Friday approved a restructuring plan for Dutch bank and insurer ING made during the financial crisis as compatible with the European Union’s internal market, but also opened an investigation into amendments to the plan. Friday’s approval …