Europe News

Ironshore Expands Environmental Products to Europe

Ironshore Environmental products are now available in Europe through Ironshore Europe Limited. The products cover a broad spectrum of issues for many industries, including manufacturing, engineering, construction, energy, oil and gas, education and healthcare. The company also offers site-specific environmental …

Windstorm Andrea, First of 2012, Causes Damage in Europe: AIR Report

According to catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide, Windstorm Andrea passed through the U.K. earlier this week, fast on the heels of Windstorm Ulli, which brought widespread travel and power disruptions to Scotland. The storm is the first in 2012. It …

Windstorm Ulli is Latest to Batter Northwest Europe; AIR Analysis

Catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide’s report on Windstorm Ulli notes that it is “passing through Scandinavia and is expected to dissipate as it moves over the Baltic Sea today. “A class 2 weather warning from the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological …

Storm Joachim Hits Northern Europe; AIR Sees No ‘Significant’ Losses

Catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide, has reported on winter storm Joachim, which developed over the Atlantic and became a severe extra-tropical cyclone over Western Europe late last week. Central pressure went as low as 963.8 mb and wind gusts exceeding …

Cat Assessment Firm PERILS Expands Coverage to Include UK Flood Risks

PERILS, the independent Zurich-based organization that provides industry-wide catastrophe insurance data, announced that it has extended its market coverage to include the peril of inland flooding in the UK. The bulletin explained that as of the first of January the …

Europe’s Austerity Zeal Risks Killing the Patient

Europe’s “no pain no gain” attitude to solving its sovereign crisis risks exacerbating the bloc’s problems, choking off the very growth needed to raise the money to pay down the debt. From Athens to Dublin, and almost everywhere in between, …

Best Reports on Bermuda’s Challenges; Torus’ O’Donohoe Comments on Diminished Role

UK Insurance Association: Solvency II May Help or Hinder EU Growth

Amidst all the turmoil in the euro zone, the implementation of the Solvency II regulations, governing the 27 members of the European Union, including the UK, grinds inexorably forward. It is a fact of life for British insurers, and their …

Europe Moves Ahead with Fiscal Union; UK Isolated

Europe divided on Friday in a historic rift over building a fiscal union to preserve the euro, with a large majority of countries led by Germany and France agreeing to move ahead with a separate treaty, leaving Britain isolated. Twenty-three …

Aon Benfield Monthly Cat Report: Thai, Europe Floods Costly for Insurers

Aon Benfield’s Monthly Cat Recap report, which reviews the natural disaster perils that occurred worldwide during November, concludes that insured losses in Thailand could top $10 billion, while floods in Europe will exceed $1 billion. The report, published by Impact …