European Commission News

EU Supervisors Face ‘Binding Mediation’ on Simple ABS Disagreements

National authorities in the European Union will have to submit to binding arbitration if they can’t decide whether to apply the bloc’s new rules on simple securitizations to a transaction, a European Commission document shows. In the undated draft regulation …

EU Weighs Solvency II Capital Relief for Insurers’ Investments in Infrastructure

The European Union is preparing reduced capital requirements for insurers in a bid to spur investment in long-term infrastructure projects. The European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, is considering amending insurance rules known as the Solvency II Delegated Act to …

EU Seeking to Cut Minimum Risk Weighting on Simple Securitizations

The European Commission is seeking to cut the minimum risk weight on securitizations that qualify as simple and transparent to 10 percent to help jump-start the bloc’s capital markets. The 5 percentage-point reduction in the risk weighting for securities backed …

EU Close to Easing Solvency II Capital Rules to Lure Asset-Backed Debt Buyers

The European Union’s plan to revive the asset-backed securities market may heed industry concerns by broadening the range of products eligible for a high-quality label and easing capital requirements for insurers. The securitization overhaul due next month from the European …

Global Reform of Tax Systems to Hit Insurance Industry: London’s IUA

A sweeping global reform of tax systems is under way and will have profound implications for the insurance industry, the London-based International Underwriting Association has warned. Responding to public concerns about tax evasion, the G20 major economies have ordered a …

Europe Calls for Tougher Limits on Super Greenhouse Gases (HFCs)

The European Commission on Thursday called for a tougher U.N. Montreal Protocol to protect the ozone layer by curbing super greenhouse gases known as HFCs, that have a global warming potential thousands of times greater than carbon dioxide. The European …

FERMA Forum Opens with Solvency II Analysis from Karel Van Hulle

The bi-annual Risk Management Forum of the Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) kicked off with a reception on Sunday night for the 1400 plus delegates at the MECC Conference Center in the Dutch city of Maastricht. FERMA got …

Europe, U.S. Agree on Streamlining Air Cargo Safety

The European Commission and the U.S. Transport Security Administration have agreed to recognize each other’s air cargo security regimes, a move that will cut costs for carriers, an EU executive said on Friday. “Cutting out the duplication of security procedures …

EU Proposes Cross-Border Bank Rescues

European Union countries could be obliged to bail out one another’s struggling banks, according to a draft EU law that marks a big step towards greater EU financial integration likely to upset some members, particularly Germany. Spain’s banking troubles and …

European Commission Approves ING Restructuring; Opens New Probe

The European Commission on Friday approved a restructuring plan for Dutch bank and insurer ING made during the financial crisis as compatible with the European Union’s internal market, but also opened an investigation into amendments to the plan. Friday’s approval …