European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) News

Solvency II’s Impact and Its Future Analyzed at EIF Conference

Solvency II – all 2000 plus pages of it – has been completed and is slated to go into force as of the first of January 2016. As befits a major reorganization of a major EU industry, it took a …

EU Insurers Say New Rules Hurt $11.2 Trillion Investment Role

Insurers in Europe, which manage about €8.5 trillion ($11.2 trillion) of client money, say their role as long-term investors may be hurt by new regulation. Planned new risk-based rules for insurers in the European Union, dubbed Solvency II, “still require …

Low Interest Rates Biggest Risk for Europe Insurers, Eiopa Says

Low interest rates are the biggest risk for European insurers and pension funds, weighing on sales of retirement products, the region’s top industry supervisor said. Interest rates are “putting pressure mostly on life insurers’ and occupational pension funds’ ability to …

FERMA Forum Opens with Solvency II Analysis from Karel Van Hulle

The bi-annual Risk Management Forum of the Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) kicked off with a reception on Sunday night for the 1400 plus delegates at the MECC Conference Center in the Dutch city of Maastricht. FERMA got …

Any Prospects for Insurance Regulatory Changes in 2013?

Progress in making insurance regulatory changes has been slow, and there’s really nothing to indicate that the situation will change in the near future. The United States, however, has managed to make some relevant changes, despite the fact that it …