European Union News

Why ‘Project Bonds’ Are a Good Idea: Wynn

European Union backing for extra infrastructure finance may sound like a deliberate distraction from deadlock over much bigger euro bonds, but in fact it is a great idea – the trouble is the tiny sums involved and lack of detail. …

Europe to Issue Tough Rules Protecting Internet Users’ Data

The European Union will propose tough new rules in the coming days on how corporations handle Internet users’ personal data, a long-awaited move that could have far-reaching implications for Web giants such as Google Inc. and Facebook. Viviane Reding, vice …

Does the Legacy of the Great War Still Haunt Europe?

As Americans and much of the rest of the world pause to honor the men and women who have served their country, one is reminded of the significance of the date – November 11. 93 years ago the guns of …

EU Court Says eBay May Be Liable on Trademark Abuse

Internet auction marketplace eBay may have to take more responsibility over what is sold via its website or it could be sued for trademark abuse, Europe’s top court ruled on Tuesday. The European Court of Justice said online market providers …

Europe Seeks to Get Insurers, Banks on Board Greek Bailout

European governments are trying to persuade banks and insurers to share the pain of a second Greek bailout package, in an attempt to avoid market meltdown while keeping taxpayers happy. Talks between governments and creditors will begin across the euro …