Everglades Re News

ILS Market Hits New Record of $70B in 2015: Willis Capital Markets & Advisory

Total non-life insurance linked securities (ILS) capital reached a record $70 billion at year-end 2015 – topping the previous record of $65 billion at year-end 2014, according to the latest ILS market update from Willis Capital Markets & Advisory, the …

Citizens’ Takeout Program Undergoing Changes; Says Assessments Unlikely

Faced with a rising number of consumer complaints, Florida’s state-backed property insurer has announced a series of changes to its takeout program. The news comes as the insurer said it is highly unlikely to need policyholder assessments next year. Citizens …

Florida’s Citizens Reduces Risk of Emergency Assessments

Florida’s state-backed property insurer announced that it has reduced the size of any possible emergency assessments on policyholders due to its depopulation efforts and by transferring part of its risk to private capital markets. Citizens Property Insurance Corp. said that …