export credit insurance News

Canada Expands Credit Insurance for Canola Exporters as China Dispute Continues

Ottawa increased the insurance coverage available for canola exporters, a government corporation said on Thursday, as it seeks to reduce trade risks amid a dispute with China. China halted purchases of Canadian canola in March, citing pests in shipments by …

Airbus Looks to Insurers to Fill Export Trade Funding Gap After Europe’s Freeze

Airbus said on Monday it is working with private insurance firms and banks to help fill a two-year gap in trade funding left by a European freeze on government export credits, but expects limited public financing to resume soon. Airbus …

Emerging Markets’ Claims Expected to Hit Coface’s 2016 Profit

Coface SA, a French export-credit insurer, warned Monday that higher-than-expected claims by companies trading with emerging markets may cut its 2016 annual profit. The Paris-based company also cited longer collection times in emerging regions, it said in a statement after …