extreme weather News

Insured Losses for Floods in Southern Germany Estimated at €1.6B: PERILS

The recent floods in southern Germany will cost insurers an estimated €1.568 billion (US$1.7 billion), according to PERILS, the independent Zurich-based organization that provides industry-wide catastrophe insurance data. The floods, which hit southern Germany during the period of May 31 …

Islamic Insurance Helps Cover Muslim Farmers Battling Climate Change

On his four and a half acres of land in central Pakistan, Izhar ul-Haq approaches farming as a science. He knows the precise acidity of the soil and the exact amount of brackish groundwater his crops can tolerate if mixed …

Disaster-Struck Cities Fight for Aid as FEMA Funding Runs Low

A once in 200-years storm dumped 11 inches of rain over four hours on the central Massachusetts town of Leominster in September, washing away culverts, creating a sinkhole that swallowed cars at a dealership and flooding the city council chambers …

Catastrophe Bondholders Sidestep Large Losses From Weather-Related Calamities

Last month, amid reports that Hurricane Beryl would become the earliest Category 5 hurricane in history, a group of money managers were busy trying to figure out whether their highly calibrated bets centered on natural catastrophes were about to take …

Parametric Insurance Helps Farmers and Others Hit Hard by Extreme Weather

Joemar Flores, a spindly 28-year-old, gestured across his family’s farmland, nestled between a steep hill and a river, and expressed gratitude for the rice paddies in the distance. They’re still there, producing food and an income for him, thanks in …

Natural Disasters Cost China $13 Billion in January-June

Natural disasters such as flooding, drought and extreme temperatures cost China 93.16 billion yuan ($12.83 billion) in the first half of this year, with almost 33 million people affected, the government said on Friday. Heavy snow, 22 strong earthquakes including …

Ships Fleeing the Red Sea Now Face Perilous African Weather

Ships sailing around the southern tip of Africa are wrestling with a bout of bad weather that has already run one vessel aground and seen another lose more than 40 containers overboard. CMA CGM SA said on Thursday that its …

French Shipping Company CMA CGM Loses 44 Containers in Tough Weather

French shipping and logistics company CMA CGM said on Thursday that its ship “Benjamin Franklin” had lost 44 containers in difficult weather conditions off the coast of South Africa on Tuesday. “No injury to the crew has been reported, no …

Canada Insurers Investing in Fossil Fuels as Climate Risks Grow: Shareholder Group

Canada’s top property and casualty insurers have invested more than C$19.5 billion ($14.30 billion) in fossil fuels production at a time when climate change is driving up risks for the industry, according to a report by a shareholder advocacy group. …

Earth Continues Streak of Record-Shattering Hot Months

Earth’s more than year-long streak of record-shattering hot months kept on simmering through June, according to the European climate service Copernicus. There’s hope that the planet will soon see an end to the record-setting part of the heat streak, but …