Exxon Mobil Corp. News

Exxon Must Disclose Accounting Details in New York Climate Probe

Exxon Mobil Corp.’s attempt to use “accountant-client privilege” to avoid handing over audit documents in a politically charged climate-change probe was dealt a final blow by New York’s top court. The finding on Tuesday affirms a 2016 ruling that Exxon …

Train Derails, Spills 20K Gallons of Exxon’s Oil in Illinois

About 20,000 gallons of crude oil belonging to Exxon Mobil Corp. was released after a Canadian National Railway Co. freight train derailed on June 30 at Plainfield, Illinois. The cause of the derailment was unknown, a filing with the Illinois …

Post-Disaster, BP Stakes Future on Deepwater Despite Surging Shale

About 300 BP workers commute 150 miles by helicopter from the Louisiana coast to a deep-sea drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico that can produce more oil in a day than a West Texas rig can pump in a …

Oil & Gas Industry Faces More Frequent & Sophisticated Cyber Attacks: Deloitte

Three out of four oil and natural gas companies fell victim to at least one cyber attack last year as hacking efforts against the industry become more frequent and sophisticated. That’s the finding from a report released Monday by industry …

New York Says Exxon’s Climate Change Proxy Costs May Be a `Sham’

New York’s top cop told a judge that an investigation into Exxon Mobil Corp.’s public statements about climate change uncovered “significant evidence” the oil giant may have misled investors. In a court filing Friday, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman …

Trump Hands Climate Leadership Role to China to Dismay of Global Leaders

President Donald Trump’s decision to isolate the U.S. on climate change triggered waves of complaints from government and business leaders around the world and handed China a golden opportunity to burnish its image as a global leader. Trump’s withdrawal from …

Weak Safety Standards Caused California Exxon Refinery Blast, Agency Says

The U.S. Chemical Safety Board has concluded that a 2015 explosion at a Torrance, Calif., refinery then owned by Exxon Mobil Corp. could have been prevented, the agency concluded in a report issued on Wednesday. “This explosion and near miss …

Exxon Dealt a Blow as Texas Judge Sends Climate Suit to New York

Exxon Mobil Corp.’s attempt to derail a multistate fraud probe into whether the company fully disclosed to investors the financial risks of climate change was dealt a major blow after a Texas judge moved the case from its home turf …

Report: Energy Sector’s Lack of Sensors, Controls Tempts Hackers

Oil and gas companies, including some of the most celebrated industry names in the Houston area, are facing increasingly sophisticated hackers seeking to steal trade secrets and disrupt operations, according to a newspaper investigation. A stretch of the Gulf Coast …

Exxon Climate Judge Orders ‘Unprecedented’ Questioning

A federal judge in Texas is giving Exxon Mobil Corp. an unprecedented chance to question a state law-enforcement officer who is investigating whether the energy company hid damaging data about climate change from investors. U.S. District Judge Ed Kinkeade in …