Exxon News

Probe Into Montana Oil Spill Cause to Take Months

A federal safety official says it will probably be months before investigators know what caused an ExxonMobil oil pipeline to rupture near Billings, Mont., spilling about 1,000 barrels of crude oil into the Yellowstone River. Cynthia Quarterman, head of the …

Exxon Says 40 Montana Properties Damaged by Oil Spill

About 40 Montana landowners have reported contamination of their property by crude oil spilled from a ruptured Exxon Mobil pipeline into the flood-swollen Yellowstone River over the weekend, the company said Wednesday. As the scope of property damage came into …

New Jersey High Court Denies Exxon Appeal of $7 Million Award

The New Jersey Supreme Court won’t hear an appeal from ExxonMobil over $7 million awarded to a woman who claimed she got cancer from her husband’s asbestos-laden clothes. A jury in 2008 found Bonnie Anderson had contracted mesothelioma from washing …