Facebook regulation News

Facebook to Change Rules on Attacking Public Figures: Reuters

Facebook Inc. will now count activists and journalists as “involuntary” public figures and so increase protections against harassment and bullying targeted at these groups, its global safety chief said in an interview this week. The social media company, which allows …

Whistleblower Tells Congress Facebook Puts Profits Over Safety, Urges Regulation

Former Facebook employee and whistleblower Frances Haugen will urge the U.S. Congress on Tuesday to regulate the social media giant, which she plans to liken to tobacco companies that for decades denied that smoking damaged health, according to prepared testimony …

In an About-Facebook, Zuckerberg Likes Internet Regulation As Way to Win Public Trust

For years, Facebook Inc. lobbied governments against imposing tough regulations, warning in some cases that they could harm the company’s business model. Now, it’s pleading for new rules for the good of its business. In a white paper published Monday, …

Facebook, Twitter, Other Internet Firms to Be Responsible for Content Under UK Plan

Britain said it would force social media companies such as Facebook, Twitter and Snap to do more to block or remove harmful content on their platforms. Following a consultation, the UK government said on Wednesday it planned to legislate to …