fall hazards News

OSHA Cites Contractor 32 Times in 4 Months for Alleged Deadly Fall Hazards

Federal officials say a New Jersey construction contractor with a history of ignoring federal fall safety standards has again been found exposing employees to potentially deadly fall hazards in eight work site inspections. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration …

Illinois Roofing Contractor to Pay $365K for Endangering Employees

Joshua Herion, a Waukegan, Illinois roofing contractor who has routinely endangered employees by ignoring federal workplace standards and penalties assesses for its violations since 2014, has paid $365,576 in fines and interest, after the U.S. Department of Labor moved to …

OSHA Seeks $306K Fine From Massachusetts Roofer for Alleged Fall Safety Violations

A Framingham, Massachusetts roofing contractor with a history of fall-related safety violations again exposed its employees to potentially fatal falls, this time to falls of up to 20 feet at a residential worksite in Boston’s Hyde Park neighborhood, according to …

Illinois Contractor Faces $278K in Fines for Exposing Workers to Falls

Twice within a month, an Illinois roofing contractor — cited previously more than 20 times for violating federal workplace safety regulations — was again found exposing employees to falls as they did residential framing work on houses under construction in …

Fort Worth Masonry Company Cited Again for Fall Hazards: Fined $216K

Federal workplace safety officials cited a Fort Worth, Texas-based masonry company for continuing to put its workers at risk for falls and fined the firm more than $216,000. OSHA said a March 2021 inspection revealed RM Masonry and Stucco Inc. …

Ohio Contractor Again Cited for Exposing Workers to Fall Hazards; Fined $253.5K

Federal workplace safety officials say an Ohio contractor continues to defy federal safety requirements to ensure workers use fall protection. OSHA reports that Orwell, Ohio-based roofing contractor Neal Weaver and his company have been cited six times in 5 years …

New University of Iowa Utilities Contractor Fined After Worker’s Fall

A contractor that recently took over management of the University of Iowa utility system has been cited for safety violations after a worker fell into an underground steam tunnel and was injured, newly released records show. The Iowa Occupational Safety …

Colorado Home Manufacturer Faces $222K in OSHA Penalties

Federal workplace safety officials cited a Colorado home manufacturing company for continuing to expose workers to falls at Pueblo facility. Key Structures LLC faces $222,055 in OSHA penalties and 13 willful, repeat and serious violations for exposing employees to defective …

OSHA: Ohio Contractor Exposed Roofers to Fall Hazards for 6th Time in 3 Years

A roofing contractor in Ohio faces proposes penalties of more than $137,000 after being cited by federal workplace safety officials for exposing workers to deadly fall hazards. OSHA said JMH Roofing LLC in Millersburg has a history of not cooperating …

Ohio Roofing Contractor Faces $148K in Fines for Alleged Safety Violations

Federal officials say a Dublin, Ohio-based roofing contractor is facing penalties of more than $148,000 after being cited for workplace safety violations. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) cited Jerry Turnbaugh for exposing employees to …