fault News

California Fault Could Yield M7.4 Quake, Study Shows

An earthquake fault running from San Diego Bay to Los Angeles is capable of producing a magnitude-7.4 earthquake that could affect some of the region’s most densely populated areas, according to a new study. The study looked at the Newport-Inglewood …

Oregon Transportation Needs Include Preparing for Earthquake Damage

A major fault off the Oregon Coast is expected to produce an earthquake, and transportation officials say preparing for that event needs to be a top priority. The Medford Mail Tribune reported a Cascadia Subduction Zone event tops the needs …

Major Fault Near California Reactors Links to Second Crack

The Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant and earthquake faults have been uneasy neighbors for decades. Even before the twin reactors produced a single watt of electricity, the plant had to be retrofitted after a submerged fault was discovered 3 miles …

Regulators Ding California Nuke Plant Operator over Seismic Check

Federal regulators have hit the owner of California’s last operating nuclear power plant with a low-level violation for bungling an earthquake-related safety evaluation when it was swapping out important equipment. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission said Monday that Pacific Gas and …

Earthquake Fault Puts California at Risk For Tsunami

Scientists say the earthquake fault that runs through the coastal city of Ventura, Calif. can produce strong shaking and dangerous tsunamis, prompting state officials to study whether to revise hazard maps. The Los Angeles Times reported that new research shows …

Hollywood Project Draws Calls For Additional Quake Testing

Los Angeles building officials have called for more seismic testing at a proposed Hollywood development to determine if an earthquake fault runs under the project. The Los Angeles Times reported the order last week by city geologist Dana Prevost comes …

7.5M On Fault That Shook Southern Californians Could Be Disastrous

Experts say a bigger earthquake along the lesser-known fault that gave Southern California a moderate shake could do more damage to the region than the long-dreaded “Big One” from the more famous San Andreas Fault. The Puente Hills thrust fault, …

Hollywood Groups Sue To Stop Huge Development, Earthquake Concerns

A coalition of residents who live in famed Hollywood neighborhoods filed a lawsuit this week to stop a $654 million skyscraper project from rising just down the hill from the landmark Hollywood Sign because of earthquake concerns. The suit filed …

Developers to Test for Fault Under Hollywood Skyscraper

The developers of a Hollywood skyscraper have agreed to dig a trench to determine whether an earthquake fault runs beneath the site slated for the project. The Los Angeles Times reported that New York-based Millennium Partners will dig at the …