FBI cybercrime News

Criminal Indictments Are Major — But Not Only — Tool of U.S. Cyber Defense Agencies

The FBI and other federal agencies are increasingly looking to counter cyber threats through tools other than criminal indictments, the head of the bureau’s cyber division said in an interview with The Associated Press. Arrests and indictments of foreign cybercriminals …

FBI Warns on Rise in Sophisticated Cyber Crimes

On Dec. 14, 2018, Aaron Cole was about to buy a new house and received an email that he thought was from his title company, directing him to make a $123,000 deposit. Cole complied, not realizing that a sophisticated hacker …

FBI, International Law Enforcement Disrupt Business Cyber Fraud Schemes

Federal law enforcement officials announced a significant coordinated effort to disrupt Business Email Compromise (BEC) schemes used to intercept and hijack wire transfers from businesses and individuals, including senior citizens. The effort has culminated in 74 arrests, including 42 in …

FBI Says It’s Close to Identifying Anthem Hackers

The FBI said it’s close to finding the hackers responsible for the attack on health-insurance company Anthem Inc. that exposed personal data on about 80 million customers. Federal Bureau of Investigation officials are still deciding whether to publicly reveal information …