Federal Aviation Administration drone regulations News

Long-Awaited U.S. Drone Safety Rules Call for Extensive Tracking Network

All but the smallest civilian drones would have to broadcast radio tracking data to ensure greater safety and prevent terrorism under a sweeping proposal unveiled by U.S. regulators Thursday. The long-awaited draft rules call for a massive new tracking network …

Why Insurance Lawyer Grounded FAA’s Drone Registry

John Taylor didn’t like the idea of being forced by the Federal Aviation Administration to register his drones. The requirement was “authoritarian,” the Maryland attorney said, and wouldn’t deter reckless fliers. So the aviation law novice โ€” he works in …

Case Testing FAA Authority to Regulate Drones Advances

The father and son who posted videos of drones firing a handgun and incinerating a Thanksgiving turkey with a flame-thrower can be questioned by aviation regulators, a U.S. judge ruled in a closely watched case that may determine the government’s …

The Future of Commercial Drone Use

There could be 7 million small drones in the sky by 2020, according to U.S. aviation officials, who believe that as many as 2.7 million of them will be used for commercial purposes. These same officials predict that small unmanned …

FAA Hopes to Send Message with $1.9 Million Penalty Against Drone Photographer

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration is proposing the largest fine to date against a drone operator as the agency cracks down on the booming use of unmanned aircraft in congested skies over populated areas. The agency said Tuesday it was …

Drone Services Firm Names USAA Advisor Swain as VP of Insurance

A company that specializes in putting drones to work for companies has hired an advisor from USAA Insurance to be its vice president of insurance. The Washington, D.C.-based drone service firm, Measure, announced the hiring of Kathleen “Kat” Swain, who …

U.S. Vows Commercial Drone Rules Within a Year

U.S. commercial drone operations could take flight on a large scale by this time next year, as federal regulators finalize rules allowing widespread unmanned aerial system use by companies, according to congressional testimony on Wednesday. A senior Federal Aviation Administration …

Drone Pilot Who Challenged FAA Authority Settles

The drone pilot who challenged the U.S. government’s authority over unmanned aircraft agreed to pay a reduced fine of $1,100 to settle his case. Raphael Pirker, a Swiss citizen who flew a small unmanned plane without government permission over the …

U.S. Drone Regulations Delayed

The United States missed a year-end deadline for publishing new rules on remote-control aircraft, delaying an eagerly awaited step toward using drones in everything from farming to package delivery. Businesses have been clamoring for rules to allow commercial drone flights, …

Safety Board Upholds FAA Regulation of Drones

The U.S. government’s ability to regulate drones was upheld today by a federal safety board, which overturned a judge’s decision that aviation regulations don’t apply to small unmanned aircraft. The National Transportation Safety Board, which decides appeals of aviation enforcement …