Federal Crop Insurance News

Crop Insurance Juicy Target in ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Deal

Rural lawmakers worry that $9 billion in annual federal crop insurance subsidies are an easy target for spending cuts in a “fiscal cliff” deal so they’re shopping around for a late compromise on a farm bill to protect them. The …

Critics Call for More Cuts in Farm Bill, Crop Insurance

Congress should slash at least $100 billion in costs from the U.S. farm bill – three or four times more than cuts currently proposed – and resist calls for a hurry-up vote this week, a dozen anti-deficit and environmental groups …

Time Running Out for Senate on Farm, Crop Insurance Bill

With a week left to act, agricultural leaders in Congress are still deadlocked on two major issues for a new U.S. farm bill, cuts in crop subsidies and reductions in food stamps, said two of the four key negotiators on …

Congressional Leaders Push to Pass Farm, Crop Insurance Bill

With time running out, agricultural leaders in Congress vowed on Thursday to do everything they can to pass a farm bill that cuts spending by at least $23 billion – savings that could assure support by lawmakers determined to reduce …

Crop Insurance Claims to Exceed $13 Billion: AIR

The drought in the U.S. agricultural heartland continues to deteriorate crops in the Corn Belt with no meaningful precipitation relief in sight. After the hottest July on record, insured losses from the 2012 drought are now expected to surpass losses …

Senate Overhauls Farm Subsidies, Crop Insurance But Time Running Out

The Senate approved sweeping new U.S. farm legislation on Thursday that would cut almost all traditional farm subsidies while expanding a costly crop insurance program, but odds are slim the bill will pass this year. Passed by a 2-1 margin, …

Senators Call for Bipartisan Support for Cap on Crop Insurance Subsidies

U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa. are urging the Senate to support their bipartisan amendment to end what they say are excessive federal crop insurance subsidies for large American farming operations. The Shaheen-Toomey amendment would cap crop …

House Plan Would Cut Crop Insurance Cost

U.S. farm and crop insurance subsidies would be cut by $30 billion over 10 years under a proposal made by the House of Representatives Budget Committee chairman on Tuesday, far larger reductions than agricultural-state lawmakers suggested. Budget chairman Paul Ryan …

Crop Insurance Payouts at a Record $9.1 Billion

Crop insurers paid out a record $9.1 billion in indemnities on 2011 U.S. crops, and the total could top $10 billion when all claims are settled, due to damage from drought, flooding, and freezing weather, a trade group said on …

Risk Management Agency Starts Olive Program in 12 California Counties

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Risk Management Agency on Wednesday announced a new pilot insurance program for table and oil olives in 12 California counties beginning with the 2012 crop year. The sales closing date is Jan. 31, 2012. The …