federal cybersecurity legislation News

Financial Firms Propose Cyber War Council

Wall Street’s biggest trade group has proposed a government-industry cyber war council to stave off terrorist attacks that could trigger financial panic by temporarily wiping out account balances, according to an internal document. The proposal by the Securities Industry and …

Cybersecurity Analysts Stress Need for Data Sharing by Companies

In an 11-story office building in the Washington suburbs, hundreds of U.S. cybersecurity analysts work around the clock to foil hackers. Possible breaches of government networks show up as red flashes on screens that line the walls. Something big is …

Senate Committee to Take Up Cyber Liability Bill Next Week

The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee is expected to consider a bill next week aimed at encouraging companies to exchange information on hacking attempts and cybersecurity threats with the government, senators said this week as they released a draft of the …

House Passes Cybersecurity Bill Despite Veto Threat

The House of Representatives passed legislation on Thursday designed to help companies and the government share information on cyber threats, though concerns linger about the amount of protection the bill offers for private information. This is the second go-around for …

Senators Renew Push for Cybersecurity Law

Leading U.S. senators introduced a cybersecurity bill on Tuesday aimed at safeguarding the nation’s water and power systems, which experts have warned often only have the most rudimentary protections against hackers. Senators John Rockefeller and Dianne Feinstein, both Democrats; Susan …