Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. News

Rule Addresses Lenders’ Flood Insurance Escrowing, Mandate Exemptions

Five federal regulatory agencies are seeking comment on a proposed rule pertaining to loans secured by property located in special flood hazard areas. The rule, part of a broader proposal first offeerd last October, would implement provisions of the Homeowner …

Report: U.S. Making Progress Against ‘Too-Big-to-Fail’ Bailouts

For the past year, a special team of U.S. bank regulators has been on a quiet mission to end the belief on Wall Street that large banks are “too big to fail.” The team from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. …

Senate Deals Blow to Bank Deposit Insurance

Efforts by small banks to protect a financial crisis-era deposit insurance program suffered a significant setback on Thursday when a bill to extend the program failed to survive a procedural vote in the U.S. Senate. The Transaction Account Guarantee (TAG) …

U.S. Regulators Urge Flexibility in Basel III Rules for Banks, Insurers

U.S. lawmakers and state financial regulators on Thursday called on federal officials to revamp proposed rules that would force financial firms to hold much more capital, asking them to consider the impact on small banks and insurance companies. U.S. bank …

FDIC Sues Big Banks Over Mortgage Securities

The government has sued several big banks over toxic mortgage securities they issued that were bought by two small Illinois banks which failed in May 2009. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which seized the two banks when they failed, filed …

Bankers and Their Insurers Escape Big Penalties in FDIC Prosecutions

Like many banks engulfed by the mortgage crisis, First National Bank of Nevada specialized in risky home loans that didn’t require borrowers to prove their incomes. When the housing bubble burst, First National got crushed in 2008 under the weight …