federal government shutdown News

Looming Government Shutdown Would Halt NFIP Flood Policies, Disrupting Home Sales

A U.S. government shutdown, perhaps as soon as Saturday night, will force the National Flood Insurance Program to suspend issuing of new policies, potentially causing a major disruption for home buyers. The National Home Builders Association said that an estimated …

Trump Signs Stopgap Funding for Government That Includes Flood Program

President Donald Trump has signed a continuing resolution that will avoid a federal government shutdown by funding the government at current levels until Nov. 21. The Republican-led Senate voted 82-15 in favor the temporary funding resolution last Thursday after the …

Louisiana Flood Victims Still Waiting for Federal Recovery Grants

The month-long partial federal government shutdown likely further delayed aid grants to homeowners still trying to recover from the 2016 flooding, Louisiana’s top disaster recovery official said. As many as 6,000 Louisiana residents who took out loans from the U.S. …

Louisiana Joins Oklahoma in Seeking Premium Payment Relief for Government Workers

Louisiana Insurance Commissioner James Donelon on Jan. 25 issued a bulletin to insurers operating in his state, asking that they help out policyholders affected by the federal government shutdown by “exercising leniency” in the case of late premium payments. Oklahoma …

Oklahoma’s Mulready Asks Insurers to Assist Shutdown-Affected Policyholders

Oklahoma’s new insurance commissioner is encouraging insurance companies in his state to work with and assist policyholders affected by the partial federal government shutdown. In a bulletin to all insurance companies in Oklahoma, Commissioner Glen Mulready requested that carriers work …