federal health care News

N.H. Insurance Department Finds Way to Accept $5M Grant

The New Hampshire insurance department announced on Aug. 2 that it has found a way around Republican legislative efforts to block New Hampshire from spending a $5 million grant educating consumers about the federal health care overhaul law. In a …

Lifetime Health Care Caps End for 374,000 in Rhode Island

U.S. health officials say that 374,000 Rhode Island residents will no longer bump up against a lifetime limit on health care coverage because of a provision of the federal health care overhaul. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services …

Arizona Gets $30 Million Grant for Health Exchange

Arizona is getting a $30 million federal grant to implement part of the federal health care overhaul. The Arizona grant is among 13 state grants awarded Tuesday totaling nearly $220 million awarded for setting up health insurance exchanges. Exchanges will …