federal health care overhaul News

Blue Cross Seeks 34% Rate Hike in North Carolina for ACA Plans

North Carolina’s largest health insurer says higher-than-anticipated costs after two years of selling federally subsidized coverage has forced it to seek premium increases even greater than it thought would be necessary two months ago. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of …

400,000 Mass. Residents Must Reapply for Health Coverage

Massachusetts is launching a major effort to reach out to almost 400,000 residents who must reapply for health insurance because they were enrolled in temporary plans after the state’s health care marketplace website crashed last year. State officials fear that …

Massachusetts Will Keep State-Based Health Website

Massachusetts officials overseeing the state’s hobbled health care exchange decided last Friday to stick with new software designed to upgrade the website rather than switching over to the federal government’s health insurance market. For the past several months the state …

Massachusetts Reports Progress in Repairing Health Insurance Website

Massachusetts state officials are offering an upbeat assessment of efforts to repair the state’s hobbled health insurance website. Maydad Cohen, special assistant to Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, told the state’s health connector board on Thursday that new software purchased by …

Massachusetts Paying $35M to End Healthcare Website Contract

Massachusetts health care officials said on June 20 they’ll pay the lead contractor on the state’s hobbled health insurance website an additional $35 million to close out the contract. That means the CGI Group, which has already been paid about …

Mass. to Dump Website Contractor Over Troubled Online Health Exchange

Massachusetts plans on cutting ties with the contractor for its hobbled health care insurance website. The recommendation was made Monday by Sarah Iselin, who was hired by Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick to oversee a fix for the website problems that …

Massachusetts Health Care Officials Look to Other States for Website Fixes

Massachusetts health care officials struggling to repair the state’s hobbled website are looking at the possibility of leasing or buying technology from states with functioning insurance sites. Massachusetts Health Connector officials said last Friday that looking for solutions from other …

N.H. Panel Told Requiring Health Plan Forums Would Be Tricky

A bill aimed at providing New Hampshire residents more information about health plans offered under the federal health care overhaul law would be difficult to implement, lawmakers, consumer advocates and insurance officials said Tuesday. The measure before the Senate Commerce …

In Mass., Website Woes, Technical Roadblocks Frustrate Health Care Push

Massachusetts has long held a special status in the debate about President Obama’s health care law. It was a 2006 Massachusetts law that provided the inspiration for the 2010 national law, and Massachusetts already had near-universal coverage before the federal …

Maryland Senate Approves Bill to Remedy Health Exchange Problems

The Maryland Senate has passed a measure to provide health insurance for people who tried to enroll online in the state’s health exchange, but couldn’t due to computer problems. The Senate voted 38-8 for the emergency measure Tuesday. The emergency …